Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Blog About Twitter

Twitter discussion has its similarities and differences with Blackboard and in-class discussions.
Firstly, all three of them rely on the interaction of two or more people. Any discussion in general requires people to communicate their thoughts, ideas, opinions, etc to one another. On Twitter, I find that it's quite difficult to have a long, complex discussion due to the 140 character constraint. Although, you can make your way around this by tweeting multiple times, but I find that it's overall constricting the thought processes. On a more positive note, Twitter is an easy and fast way to get thoughts out into the public and directly to the people who follow you. It is also a more casual way to communicate, which makes short-hand more acceptable than Blackboard. Blackboard discussions are more formal and structured than Twitter. In-class discussions are obviously very different from the two because it consists of face-to-face interaction. I think that of the three, in-class discussions is the most demanding and elaborate. It requires immediate responses from one student to the next in order to keep the conversation flowing. On Twitter, people can respond to tweets within seconds, minutes, hours, or even days or years later.

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