Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Privacy and Confidentiality

New media has made communication easier and faster than ever before. We are able to virtually connect with one another live any second of the day. Since so many people use new media to communicate, there is a ton of information stored on servers and websites like Facebook. This can cause some problems when it comes to privacy and confidentiality. Many people are not aware of the amount of personal information being stored constantly while they use new media. In addition, new media such as social media sites encourage people to post various things about themselves. This can include anything from address to selfies. With this social media trend, people tend to share way more about their lives than they normally would. All of this information is stored permanently regardless of whether or not the individual deletes their postings later on. This information can be sold to corporations or given to the government. In addition, many employers search through prospective employees' social media accounts which can be intrusive on their personal privacy.

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